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We all must come down from the clouds from time to time…

15 May

Preface: I wrote this blog entry in late March.  However, I didn’t post it because I felt the message was a bit diluted as I tried to touch on so many different points, coupled with the fact that my work had me in so many directions and blogging was not a priority for me.  Now, as my thoughts are coming together and I found a chance to review this blog, I thought it was an important post.  Remember, find comfort in your career.  However, remember to stop and smell the roses.

How many of you have watched the movie “Up in the Air” with George Clooney?  I imagine quite a few of you… I’ve seen it twice and plan to purchase it for my collection of inspirational DVDs.  Why you might ask?  Simply for one reason: I can relate to it.

Not only does this movie and my life share many similarities, but the symbolism to a human being’s need for interaction with others to have a complete life is all encompassing.  Sure, we must be happy with ourselves, confident in who we are before we can truly love and experience others.  George Clooney followed a routine in this film, one he rather enjoyed and thought to be superior to the mundane routines of others in his life.  However, as the film progressed I believe that he realized how important human interaction is.  Once he broke down his barriers, that is.

What can happen when one allows those barriers to break down?  When one comes down from the clouds, so to speak, from time to time?

If you haven’t taken the time to listen to this soundtrack, I highly suggest that you do so.  My favorite song is titled “Help Yourself”, performed by Sad Brad Smith, a Chicago singer/songwriter.  This song has so much meaning in my life, supporting my viewpoints about being open to possibilities and what is to come.  My favorite lyrics are simply:

Take the time to take apart

Each brick that sits outside your heart

And look around you

There’s people everywhere

And though they don’t always show it

They’re  just as scared and we would be more prepared

If you just pulled on through

I’m always in the clouds, moving from place to place, arid desert land with slot machines chiming in my dreams to cold mountain streams to fields of European sunflowers.  It is not simply an easy task to slip from this silent habitat, this safe haven of ascending above all civilization and escaping with only my thoughts and my battery operated technologies.  Music, words such as that of Sad Brad Smith, help me to settle back into reality.  To come down from the clouds.

What is it that I find when I descend?  What happens when I allow myself to break down those bricks surrounding my heart?  I find amazing people with bright ideas, smiles and passions.  Passion for life, simplicity; living each day to it’s fullest and longing to share those days with others.  It is a great feeling, I must say.

My last descent from the clouds, just this past week, opened my eyes to a new world.  I stepped off the plane, feet upon solid ground, somewhat dreading a 2 week stent of being grounded.  Don’t get me wrong; I am anxious to see more of San Francisco and spend time immersed in the simplistic side of the city I fell in love with last year.  However, I have been up in the clouds since my arrival here in the bay area; therefore, my short lived attempts to make new friends had produced very little in the form of quality individuals.  But this time would be different…

In the course of 6 days, my life has been touched by 3 individuals, all sharing the same open mentality and love of life.  I have a new girlfriend, someone who thinks like me and adds so much value to my life.  Our conversations are fulfilling, initiated at random coffee shops, the nail salon and the pet parlor.  Laughter ensues; talk of boys from yesterday, professional quests of today and dreams of family and love in every tomorrow.  I opened my eyes to what could be in my new place, descending from the clouds to experience life, and I was given an amazing new friend.

The random happenings in life, once you come down from the clouds, are maybe not so random.  Although I’m not in total control of my life, I can decide to be open to new situations, chats with complete strangers, offering a word of advice to a newfound friend at a local gathering, being inspired and inspiring others.

I hope you make the choice to open your heart to others.  Chances are you will find some amazing people out there.  People who add value to your life and, even if you do not realize it, you add value to their life as well.